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World Money Fair - Coin Show Special Australian Kookaburra 2025 1oz Silver Coloured Coin in Card

Marking the 2025 World Money Fair to be held between 30th of January and 1st February 2025, the Perth Mint is pleased to present this exclusive coin show special featuring the 2025 Australian Kookaburra design in vivid colour.

Embodying the vibrant wildlife of Australia, the kookaburra is a beloved and iconic bird. Known for its distinctive laughing call that resembles human laughter, it can often be heard at dawn and dusk and plays a crucial role in establishing territory among kookaburras.

The coin portrays a coloured representation of a kookaburra perching on a branch, and the inscription ‘AUSTRALIAN KOOKABURRA 35TH ANNIVERSARY’. Included in the design is a privy mark representation of an original 1990-dated Kookaburra coin surrounded by radiating lines. A separate privy mark depicts a red-coloured AMPELMANN honouring the Berlin cult brand featuring traffic light men designed in East Germany during the 1960s. As well as The Perth Mint’s ‘P’ mintmark, the reverse also includes the coin’s weight, purity, and 2025-year-date.

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